
Friday, February 15, 2013

Sewing is for the birds...

How on earth do people enjoy this cross stitch business? Perhaps I just can not sit still long enough to really get the hang of it.  Or maybe because I don't ever pick it up until 10:30 at night and before I know it, time for bed o'clock. 

On that note, this is the pretty piece that I decided on.  At the current rate I am sewing, I should probably finish before I turn 50.  Wish me luck. 



..Sorry this wasn't a more exciting update.  Right now all I do is run up and down the stairs to train and attempt this sewing gig. Oh, and harass family members about donating money and/or running up and down stairs with me too! Go Team Little Debbie!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A to Z - Donations Goal

I want to start with a profound, there are not enough words, I am brought to tears thank-you for all of the people that have donated to our efforts for Mom.  You are the people that picked me up when I was down, supported Kevin when his wife was a mess, and have loved my mom through good, bad, & awful.  There will never be enough ways to thank you, but there will also never be enough ways for me to repay my mom for the legacy she left me. (speaking of that legacy, I'll get to the stitching project that was January's "thing" eventually.  It is an interesting project and I might have it completed by December. ha)

That being said - we are so close to our $1,000 donation goal for the Fight For Air Climb, and today my amazing cousin Titus joined our efforts! THANKS TITUS! In true crazy Moyer fashion, I've decided that my $1,000 goal wasn't enough.  We still have 5 weeks until the Climb and 3 months until the Relay for Life. 

Are you ready for the new goal (the title sort of gave it away).  I want to get a donation from someone whose last name starts with EVERY LETTER IN THE ALPHABET! Is that crazy? Silly? Ridiculous? Probably.  But my mom taught me to embrace my ridiculous creativity and run with it - did you ever see our Halloween costumes people - we are creative through and through!

That being said - I've posted the current list  below of letters we've already received (the number of donations from people with that last name is the number provided)and letters we are still waiting for.  You can chose whether to donate to the Fight For Air Climb or to Relay for Life (links to the right of the page). I'm not picky which cause or how much, but $1 is less than you'd pay for a soda at Wawa.  And $5 is less than you'd spend for your grande latte and muffin at Starbucks. I'm done guilt tripping now, I promise.
