
Thursday, February 20, 2014

TWO CLIMBS - 2014!

No, your eyes are not broken - that title says we are doing TWO CLIMBS IN 2014! 

Thanks to the generosity of a wonderful friend (THANKS HOLLY), Team For Little Debbie will be participating in not only the Philly Fight For Air Climb, but also the Hershey Fight For Air Climb this year.  I am so excited to get to share our story and journey and be part of this amazing fight.  Here's a date recap for those of you trying to keep tabs on us! 

Saturday, February 22nd - Last day to order t-shirts
(see Jess for the order form)

Saturday, March 29th - Philly Fight For Air Climb
(also last day to make donations) 

Sunday, April 27th - Hershey Fight For Air Climb 
(climbing with the FIAT team)

There may be some other fun thrown in there as well, but I am going to say that the first four months of this year will be incredibly exciting and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

How Are You So Strong?

Today, for the first time - I heard a friend use the word hospice with regard to his own parent's care.  A friend younger than me, someone who supported me during my own loss is now experiencing the same grief I did just 17 months ago. 

And as I asked about his parent's wants, needs, and wishes - I realized I had no idea what to do or say.  Me - who has just been there so very recently was completely incapable of doing ANYTHING.  Because really, it won't matter what I do or say - he will bury his father decades earlier than he should.  He will miss important moments and little ones, and there will be more "I wishes" than he could imagine in the days, weeks, and years to come.  There are thousands of things I wish I could do - but I'm going to do those that I would have most appreciated myself when I was in the same place.

I'm going to tackle the silly work related projects, because those are the things he doesn't need to worry about.  I'm going to fill his own freezer with things that can be microwaved - for the nights that making real food is just too hard.  I'll text him every day just to say hi - not to ask questions or need answers, just so he knows I care.  And I'll try to keep it together, at least in front of him. 

For those of you that supported me, thank you once again.  I'm not really sure that I comprehended how difficult this journey is when you are the one doing the supporting.  I am still at a loss for words some days and I know I'll never truly repay all the favors I owe - but I am here, in any way and every way you could ever need.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day Entertainment

While I may be at work today, I know lots of people are home, snowed in.  I decided to help entertain people and keep you occupied - ya know, for your own good.  So here goes: 

1.  Make a donation to the Philly Fight for Air Climb!  Pick any member of Team For Little Debbie (link here).  If you need a reason to donate, please see this, this, or this.  

2.  Order a For Little Debbie t-shirt!!! This is a small fundraiser, but I'm hoping that each member of our team, plus 40 more people will all be sporting our For LD shirts in 44 days.  Short Sleeve are $14 and Long Sleeve are $18.  You can find the order form here

3. Thank a soldier.  I'm not picky about organizations, branches of the military, or how you say thanks.  Just Do It.  

4.  Help us decide what kind of car Kevin should buy.  Extra bonus points for ridiculous items such as 'short enough Jessica can reach the roof' OR comes in the same two tone paint job as Emma Jean.  What's that, you don't know who Emma Jean is? Okay, I'll blog about that someday too! 

5.  Guess what church I grew up in.  I'll give you one clue:  my boss is wrong, and try as he might, I will not admit to being Amish.  

6.  Google 'Surprise Military Homecomings' and try to tell me they aren't the most emotional, amazing videos on the internet.  

7.  Go play in the snow...