
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

January 2013 - Gone With The Wind

A few more specifics on the January event are listed below - I will be going through the year this week and next and then will post updates, questions, and requests as they come up. 

January - 
The dinner and wine portion of this is because that is what Mom and I would do about once a year when we watched Rhett and Scarlet battle it out.  Well, wine in the last few years since I stuck to Coke in high school.  I've read the traditional version of the book, and that is my favorite.  My second favorite is the book Rhett's People, which is the same story, but written from Rhett's perspective.  I found this very interesting, but less exciting since I obviously know the ending.  The movie is my least favorite as it is so very long, and much more difficult to stop and start than the books are. 

Without a doubt, my favorite line is - 

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." 

I had hoped Kevin and I would be in our own home by January, but thanks to the wonders of a leaking roof and us being picky, I may be seeking an alternate venue for hosting.  I know that Gone With The Wind is an almost 4 hour movie, so tentative plans (regardless of venue) are as follows: 

 - Start the movie drinks and appetizers at 6pm
 - Add in dinner around halfway at 8pm
 - Finish with dessert around 9pm 

I am hopeful that I can get at least 6 - 8 people to watch with me, and help spread the workload of food and beverage as well.  I am looking at the 19th or 26th of January if a Saturday would work for everyone? 


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